"STRIKE TWO," originally published at Gauss PDF.
Also "Play Godzilla" (not here) screened with Altered Esthetics' film festival in 2014.
"The Waste Land: Pt. I - The Burial of the Dead." Premiered at The Shoebox Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.
Presentation of web app "Timesify" at Comedy Hack Day IV. Live at Littlefield, June 2014. Timesify won the Grand Prize.
An excerpt from a short film "Ex Voto." Premiered at the Flaming Film Festival.
The first episode of Twin Cities Public Television's series, "Are You MN Enough?"
Radio Happy Hour presents "The Fall of Keith: Act 3"
GPDF109 : Dustin Luke Nelson : STRIKE TWO from Gauss PDF on Vimeo.
Also "Play Godzilla" (not here) screened with Altered Esthetics' film festival in 2014.
"The Waste Land: Pt. I - The Burial of the Dead." Premiered at The Shoebox Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.
Presentation of web app "Timesify" at Comedy Hack Day IV. Live at Littlefield, June 2014. Timesify won the Grand Prize.
An excerpt from a short film "Ex Voto." Premiered at the Flaming Film Festival.
The first episode of Twin Cities Public Television's series, "Are You MN Enough?"
Radio Happy Hour presents "The Fall of Keith: Act 3"
Radio Happy Hour presents The Fall of Keith: Part 3 from Radio Happy Hour on Vimeo.
Radio Happy Hour presents "The Fall of Keith: Act 2"Radio Happy Hour presents The Fall of Keith: Part 2 from Radio Happy Hour on Vimeo.
Radio Happy Hour presents "The Fall of Keith: Act 1"