"STRIKE TWO," originally published at Gauss PDF.
GPDF109 : Dustin Luke Nelson : STRIKE TWO from Gauss PDF on Vimeo.
"Telegram" poem by Amy MacLennan, read by the author, taken from the Poetry Storehouse. Cartoon video via A/V Geeks, other footage shot by director.
Telegram from Dustin Luke Nelson on Vimeo.
"Tuba Player" poem by Robert Wood, both taken from the Poetry Storehouse.
- Appeared at the 2014 Filmpoem Festival
featured at Moving Poems
- Written about in Erica Goss' The Third Form column, who said it "preserv[es] the strangeness at the core of the best poetry."
"It Happens When You Remark On the Shape Of The Only Cloud In the Sky"
Debuted at O, Miami Poetry Festival in the Spring Break Gallery.
"Making It In the Movies"
"Dear Things" by Greg Lawless, from the anthology 21 Love Poems
"Corona" by Dina Hardy, from the anthology 21 Love Poems
"the third person seemed exhausted" by Isaac Sullivan, from the anthology 21 Love Poems
"The Waste Land pt. I" by T.S. Eliot
Not online:
B4 — screened at Artists in Storefronts, Minneapolis, MN
Bits, Collected — screened at the 594 Gallery, Brooklyn, NY // "Poetry & Projections" at Happy Endings, New York, NY as a part of Lit Crawl NYC
in the office hours of the polar vortex (forthcoming, Robocup Press, 2015)
Abraham Lincoln (Mondo Bummer Books, 2013)
"It, Collected" (The Economy Journal)
from "Bits, Collected" (The Nervous Breakdown)
from 'in the office hours of the polar vortex' (The Newer York 1 | The Newer York 2)
Three GIF poems in Stat®rec
"Bombs" (Revolver)
"Harry Houdini," "Michael Applebaum," and "Jon DiSalvatore" (Paper Darts)
"Movie Trailer for Today Because Today is a Neo-Realist Day" (Gobbet)
"The Finished Product" (Country Music)
"romance (from True Romance)" (True Romance poetry anthology)
Five Poems in Creative Commons for remix (The Poetry Storehouse)
"Turn the Dial to Implode and Enter the World" in (Out of Nothing)
"Rumors about a movie trailer for an underground classic being remade" in Evergreen Review
"Age of Quarrel" in Evergreen Review
"Court Dogs" in Tarpaulin Sky
"Argument Against Brevity" and other Lincoln poems in 3:AM
"Get Behind the Wheel Annie" in Pismire Poetry
"Today I Will Be a Compensated Spokesperson" in Opium Magazine (film of this poem, created by SWOON)
"The Argument is Odin, God of War and Poetry" in Word Riot
"Pauly Shore" in The Bakery
"It Happens When You Remark on the Shape of the Only Cloud in the Sky" in Jellyfish
"At the Auditions for the Lion King" in Sink Review
"Everything Oz" in H_NGM_N (2010) and Voicemail Poems (2013)
"I Am a Natural Wonder" at the I Am A Natural Wonder blog
2 "Selective History" poems in Shampoo
"We’ll know we’ve hit the big time when we’ve got a set of equipment for smut and then another for non-smut" at I Thought I Was New Here
"The Argument is as to Whether or Not These Pages End" in METRO Twin Cities
"Curtis & Rebecca" in the Spring 2015 issue of Fence Magazine
from in the office hours of the polar vortex in Best American Experimental Writing 2015
"Steve Irwin" in the Greying Ghost Pamphlet Series
"Abraham Lincoln" in the cassette-only anthology 21 Love Poems from Hell Yes Press
"Abraham Lincoln" in PROØF Magazine
Other publications include METRO Twin Cities, Monkeybicycle, Minnetonka Review, and elsewhere
"Untitled," a part of a series on surveillance (password: cloud)
"Play Godzilla," a part of a series of surveillance (password: cloud)
"Tuba Player"
"Jon DiSalvatore"
from in the office hours of the polar vortex projection series, a series of films for live performance of polar vortex poems (password: cloud)
"APPLAUSE" performance piece, a world record performance at the Walker Art Center's Open Field
"The Digital World Has Made Performers of Us All" at The Walker Reader, for the Walker Art Center's #Superscript15 Conference
Abraham Lincoln Poems:
One in the Occupy Wall Street Anthology
One in PROØF Magazine
One at Pismire
One at I Thought I Was New Here
Two in ESQUE Magazine
Group Activity Poems:
4 in SCUD
2 in Interrupture
4 in Slingshot Litareview
more listed at the blog
all located at Soundcloud